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Shelf Safety: How to Store Fireworks for the Big Day

Shelf Safety: How to Store Fireworks for the Big Day

Molly Jones|


With America's birthday just around the corner, you may find yourself stocking up fireworks to create your own spectacular flare. And sure, the excitement of lighting up the night sky is thrilling, but ensuring the safety of yourself and your loved ones beforehand? That's a whole different story. So let's dive deep into the explosive world of how to store fireworks, because it's not enough to simply throw them on your nearest floating wall shelf -no matter how attractive that shelf may be. Because sparks should be flying into the sky, not your shelves. Let's dig in. 


Wait, There’s a Correct Way to Store Fireworks?

Yep! It should come as no surprise that fireworks are -well-flammable. And if that is a surprise then we’re begging you to please, maybe reconsider setting off items that can actually be classified as explosives under The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (or ATF). 

Without proper storage, your fireworks are liable to overheat, which can create an explosion. Just one firework exploding can set off a chain reaction of catastrophic consequences. Need proof? Watch the video below to see just how quickly fireworks can turn deadly. 


How to Store Fireworks Safely 

Before storing any fireworks, you’ll want to be absolutely sure that you are legally allowed to do so.  There's a chance that where you live, there are specific limits on how many and what kind of fireworks you can have on hand. Making sure you stick to these guidelines is key for both staying safe and avoiding legal trouble. Up to date and legally in compliance? Great, keep the following in mind and you’ll be creating a dazzling display of fire in the sky in no time at all. 

Don’t Take Your Fireworks Out of Their Box Until You Use Them 

Maintaining safety is a key component of packaging fireworks so it’s best to keep them unopened and inside the package you purchased them in. This will help prevent any accidental ignitions or explosions that could occur if they were to be dropped or mishandled. If you do need to remove them from their packaging, make sure you do so in a safe location away from any flammable materials and keep them out of reach of children.

Choose to Store Them in a Cool Dry Location 

Initiating proper fireworks storage begins with picking an appropriate spot. Choose somewhere that's both cool and dry, with good air circulation. It's crucial to keep fireworks away from any sources of heat, naked flames, or direct sunlight exposure. Spaces like a garage or outdoor shed are perfect options. 

Keep Away from Flammable Materials 

With that being said, you'll also want to store your fireworks away from anything that is easily combustable. Propane, gas, and harsh chemicals (or really any chemical) can pose a serious fire-risk if they come into contact with fireworks. If you have a small package of fireworks, consider placing them onto a secure designated shelf. This allows them their own space that is free from any possible flammable materials. 

Psst...looking for oak or mahogany floating shelves? We can help you out! 

If Possible, Utilize A Firework Safe

At the end of the day, a firework storage container is your best bet for protecting against potential problems. Made to withstand fire, these containers offer an ultra level of protection. 

If You Don't Have a Firework Container Utilize Metal or Plastic

No firework safety container? No problem! Metal and plastic containers offer an additional barrier between potentially combustive things and your fireworks. Just be sure to seal each container with a tight fitting lid for ultimate safety. 

Separate Different Types of Fireworks and Store Them Upright

 Pyrotechnic experts recommend separating your fireworks based on their type to prevent hazards.  For example, keeping ground items separate from aerial items. You'll additionally want to be sure to store them upright to prevent damage to their fuses and firing mechanisms. 

Be Sure to Store Them Somewhere Where Children Can't Reach

Children are curious and can find themselves quite unexpectedly in dangerous situations. Secure against your child finding access to fireworks by storing them out of reach or under lock and key. If you have thick floating shelves in your garage that your kiddo can't reach, they may be the perfect spot for your flames. 

Trust That Your Shelves Are Up To the Task

Two thick floating mahogany shelves in a modern kitchen. 

As you gear up to celebrate the awe-inspiring spectacle of the 4th of July, embracing the joy and responsibility that come with fireworks is quintessential. Remember, while the crackle and boom fill the air with excitement, it's the safety and care beforehand that ensure those moments remain joyous.

NookWoodworking's robust, beautifully crafted oak and mahogany shelves stand ready not just as a testament to elegance but as a beacon of safety for storing those sparkling symbols of celebration. So, as you prepare to light up the night sky, let’s not forget the importance of safe storage and the peace of mind it brings. Here's to an electrifying, memorable, and safe 4th of July celebration. Let the festivities begin, and may your skies be alight with the spirit of freedom and joy. Happy Independence Day!

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